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From the time of breeding to butchering, it takes approximately 7-8 months for a pig. During this period, 70% of the pig farming costs are attributed to feed expenses. Alongside the challenges that farm owners currently encounter in the swine industry, how can we optimize feed costs, labor, and improve meat quality?

Developmental stages of pigs

NOTE: The duration of each stage also depends on the condition of the pigs and the specifications of different farms

Rearing conditions are the most crucial factor determining this, directly related to physical and mental care, known as animal welfare.

Farmers still raise pigs using manual feeding methods

Cho heo an thu cong va cong nghe cho heo an chinh xac Gestal 1

In fact, a sow usually gives birth to about 5-7 litters during its reproductive life before being culled. However, this number can vary depending on several factors such as the pig breed, husbandry conditions, farm management, and the sow’s health status.

  • By traditional feeding methods, farmers cannot meticulously care for the feeding needs of sow individually.
  • It is difficult to control the amount of feed when dispensing for pigs.
  • The working conditions in pig farms make it challenging to attract and retain labor.
  • Workers need holidays, leave, and time off for emergencies, but pigs need to be fed every day.

Some large-scale pig farms will implement more advanced processes and equipment, such as feed lines.

Duong dan cam heo feedline va thiet bi cho heo an chinh xac Gestal

Feed lines help save manpower compared to manual feeding but still encounter issues such as:

  • Difficulty in controlling pigs that refuse to eat or compete for food in the pens, leading to poor animal welfare.
  • Feed wastage over time.

Example: In a farm with 200 sows, if each day 2 kg of feed is wasted due to sows not eating, eating less, or spillage, then in one month, the farm wastes approximately 60 kg of feed, which is about 2 bags.

Percision feeding technologies: Gestal

Gestal is a product of Jyga Technologies, established in Canada since 1995 by experts with extensive experience in nutrition, engineering, and a strong emphasis on animal welfare.



Gestal is designed to be highly optimized and user-friendly because:

  • The farm does not need to alter the existing feed line; this device simply attaches to control the feed quantity.
  • It includes a screen and software for easy monitoring of each pig’s feed intake down to 50 grams.

The effectiveness of Gestal in precision feeding:

  • Gestal optimizes the feed intake for sows. Each sow has different feeding needs, so the system provides them with maximum feed by dividing it into multiple meals per day and increasing as per their requirements.
  • It enhances feeding efficiency during pregnancy and lactation, resulting in heavier and higher-quality piglets. Sows maintain good body condition, maximize milk production, and have more piglets in subsequent litters.
  • Reduces the time between breeding cycles for the next litter, increases reproductive efficiency, and extends the lifespan of sows before culling.
  • The system includes a sensor to dispense precise amounts of feed (30-50g) when pigs approach the feeding trough, ensuring fresh feed without wastage.
  • Saves on feed costs for piglets, as sows feed their young with milk.
  • Pregnant sows can access the feeding station automatically at any time, promoting comfort, calmness, and minimizing aggression over food.
  • Personnel can easily detect and monitor each pig using system indicators and ear tags. Accurate data recording helps farmers manage operations efficiently.
  • With increasing pig disease outbreaks, traditional farming methods make it challenging to control and prevent diseases promptly.
  • Ensures accurate and productive feeding without relying on continuous Wi-Fi connectivity; the machine continues feeding and stores data for up to 7 days even without a connection.Gestal

Percision feeding technologies Gestal: 02862.757.005